I have been remiss in updating my website–a broken wrist and a move back to Wyoming kept me out of commission for a bit. I have fired the salt kiln twice since returning to Wyoming and the results are in! You are welcome to peruse all the new work by clicking on “Recent Work” on the website.
The last firing took a toll on the kiln. A target brick (in place to direct the flame) was lost during the firing due to the wear and tear and the corrosive effect salt firing has on the interior bricks. Because of that, the firing took ten hours longer than usual, and the result was the loss of a lot of the work inside. Soooooo, I’m thinking it may be time to contemplate a rebuild! I will keep you posted, but in the meantime, enjoy the new work! I hope everyone’s summer has been happy and covid free. Stay well out there! Meanwhile, here’s some photos of what the inside of the kiln is looking like now, and a photo of a smoky sunset out my back door.